Monday, March 12, 2007

SODH Rules Of Competition ......

The following set of rules are the Southern Ontario Disc Houndz "club rules of competition" for freestyle and toss/fetch, as well as SODH Dog Disc-a-thon games. Any SODH member can host a club trial using this rules.

General Rules Of Competition: Dogs may use any plastic disc of their choice as long as it is safe for the dog. No fabric discs allowed in competition. Dogs in the MicroDog class and the Micro Mini Dog class are required to use a mini-disc (such as the Hyperflite K-10 Pup Disc), unless otherwise specified by the contest host. All dogs must be leashed or crated except when on the field competing. All local and provincial ordinances must be adhered to. If a dog should relieve him/herself on the field during his/her round, time will be suspended while the handler cleans up. The round will continue and time picked up where it left off, and dog/handler may finish their round. If a dog runs onto the field during another dogs round, time will be suspended & the competing dog stopped, while the rogue dog is caught, after which time the competing dog will be allowed to continue its turn. If the competing dog is in anyway negatively affected by the incident, said dog will not resume its turn at that time, but will rest and return to the field at the end of the competitor list for that class. All competing dogs should be in good physical condition and health, and free from communicable conditions. It is not recommended that dogs under one year of age be competing at a high level > vaulting etc.

Here are the various categories of competition:

Toss & Fetch:
There are currently TEN divisions available for toss/fetch competitions. Contest hosts are not required to offer all ten divisions. Divisions are offered at the descretion of the trial host.

There is no difference in the application of each division. The divisions are not based on how far you can throw or how well your dog can catch. Afterall, 5 successful 30 yard throws will score higher than 5 unsuccessful 40 yard throws. You enter a division based on your level of experience. Therefore if you are a beginner you may choose to enter the Novice Level of toss/fetch and be competing against throwers of similar experience. Once you WIN at any level three times, you MUST move up. You WIN out of each level. A competitor does not have to move through the levels however. You do not have to start in Novice. You can enter any level you wish with the following exception: Novice A is for experienced handlers running novice/new dogs. Novice B is for novice/new handlers running novice/new dogs. Once a Novice B handler WINS out of that division, any future new dogs with that handler will run in Novice A (because that handler will then have gained experience). The purpose of Novice A and Novice B is so that handlers are competing against "throwers" of similar experience.

(1) Novice A > this division is for Advanced players with novice dogs

(2) Novice B > this division is for Beginner players with novice dogs

(3) Advanced (aka Open) > this division is for experienced dogs/handlers

(4) Distance/Accuracy: this is a toss/fetch competition using the Skyhoundz Distance/Accuracy field dimensions.

(5) Womens: this division is for Women nly

(6) Mens: this division is for Men only

(7) Youth: this division is for handlers 14 years of age and younger

(8) MicroDogs: this division is for dogs 16.5" or smaller at the withers

(9) Micro Mini Dogs: this division is for dogs under 13" at the wither

(10) Veterans: this division is for dogs 9yrs and older


General Rules Of Toss/Fetch:

The thrower may throw from either end of the field but may not change throwing direction once the round has started. The thrower must stay behind the throwing line for all throws BUT may move freely around the field at other times. IOW you can go out into the field to retrieve a disc, but must return behind the throwing line before throwing the disc for your dog. Both thrower and dog must be behind the throwing line prior to time being started. Any throws in which the disc leaves the handlers hand BEFORE time is called, will be scored. Each competitor will have 60 seconds to score as many points as they can. Only those discs caught 'in flight' will be scored.

Points will be awarded as follows:

  • Zone One > (0 - 10 yards) 0 points

  • Zone Two > (10 - 20 yards) 1 point

  • Zone Three > (20 -30 yards) 2 points

  • Zone Four > (30 - 40 yards) 3 points
  • End Zone > (40 - 50 yards) 5 points

For the Micro Mini Dog Division Points will be awarded as follows:

  • Zone One > (0 to 5 yards) 0 points

  • Zone Two > (5 to 10 yards) 1 point

  • Zone Three > (10 to 20 yards) 2 points
  • Zone Four > (20 to 30 yards) 3 points
  • End Zone > (30 to 40 yards) 4 points

An extra 1/2 point will be awarded for successful catches in which the dog "gets air". No additional points are awarded for higher vs lower leaps.

In order to score, all four of the dogs paws must land within a scoring zone. If the dog lands with 2 feet in one zone and 2 feet in another zone, the score will be based on the zone closest to the throwing line.

Breaking Ties: In the event of a tie, the tie will be broken by one of the following methods:

(1) the competitor with the fewest number of catches

(2) a Face-Off round with each competitor receiving one throw


Puppy Roller Class: this is a fun class to get puppies out on the field and getting a taste for what disc play is all about. In the Puppy Roller class the thrower will only offer "roller throws" for the puppy to track and catch. Only those rollers caught while the disc is still in motion (rolling on the rim) will be scored. Scoring will follow the same point system as the Micro Mini Dog division. The Puppy Roller class is for puppies under 6mths of age.


Freestyle Disc: This is a class where tricks and trick throws are combined with basic disc throwing/catching skills to produce an entertaining routine to music. At this point in time, SODH is judging freestyle disc based on the Skyhoundz PAWS system of scoring. The PAWS scoring system works as follows:

  • P = Presentation/Performance: disc management; choreography; continuous flow of routine; smooth transitions between moves

  • A = Athleticism: intensity & drive; speed; quickness; leaping ability; control of body

  • W = Wow! Factor: challenging tricks/moves; varied grips and releases; new moves; unique variations of old moves

  • S = Success: successful execution of your routine; throw/catch ratio

Each category is scored out of 10pts according to the following scale:

0-2 - failure +

2-4 - deficient

4-6 - satisfactory

6-8 - good +

8-10 - exemplary

Over time we will introduce freestyle scoring systems based on other disc organizations, so that club members who wish to host club trials, can choose the scoring system best suited to the players in their area.


Multiples Challenge: In this class the competitor is given 25 discs and will attempt to have the dog catch all 25 discs in succession. The competitor whose dog catches the most discs in the quickest time > Wins.


Furthest Catch: Each contestant will be given 3 throws with the furthest catch being the throw scored. Only those throw in which the dog catches the disc in flight will be scored. Throwers must remain behind the throwing line as the release the disc. If the throwers foot crosses or stands on the throwing line, that throw will not be scored.

Ties will be broken by a face-off with each thrower/dog being given one throw each. In the event of subsequent ties, face-off continues until one dog wins.


Speed Disc*: dog/handler teams earn points based on the time it takes to complete 3 different disc catches. Throws/catches can be made in any order. The goal is to complete one 30yd zone catch; one 20yd zone catch; and one target box catch.

Time starts when the judge calls "Go". Time is stopped when the final catch is made. One minute maximum time to score points. The dog must be behind the throwing line before "Go" is called, but afterwards can be anywhere on the field for subsequent throws. The handler throws from a "throw box" which is a designated area behind the throw line. The handler can leave the throw box to retrieve a disc but must return to the throw box for each throw.

Pyramid*: the field is set out in a pyramid configuration with each zone being worth a certain number of points. Scoring zones are set out in 10ft increments. The handler will be given 3 attempts to successfully complete one toss/fetch. However, scoring is not cumulative > only the last catch counts. This event is not timed and dogs may free start. This event will separate the 'gamblers' from the 'play it safe' players :-) Do you quit after the first successful toss/fetch in the 20yd zone or do you 'go for' a higher scoring catch??

*Speed Disc and the Pyramid are FDDO Games created by the FDDO

Luck Of The Draw: this is a freestyle choreography challenge. Each handler will draw 4 moves from a hat at the beginning of the trial day, and the challenge is to create a 30 second freestyle sequence using only those moves. At the end of the day each handler/dog team will show what they have come up with.

Tic Tac Toe: this event is similar to a spot landing event. The idea is to land your dog in target boxes in such a way as to create a tic tac toe line. Throwers must throw from behind the throw line. Each dog/handler team will have a maximum of one minute to attempt to complete a tic tac toe.

Team Tic Tac Toe: this is the same as Tic Tac Toe only there are multiple throwers. Your teams can consist of up to 3 throwers per team. Team A takes the first throw, then Team B, and so on. The goal is to achieve a tic tac toe for your team, while blocking the other team from getting a tic tac toe

Rally Disc: this event is similar to Rally-O except that the moves are disc moves. Each station will have a disc move posted and dog/handler move from station to station performing the moves listed. You can be as creative as you like and create beginner, intermediate, and advanced Rally Disc courses. Rally Disc is scored based on the dog/handler teams ability to execute the moves listed on the course. The course is timed and the dog/handler team with the highest score in the quickest time, wins.

Bullseye*: the field is laid out in a target pattern of 3 circles. Handler stands in the middle of the target and throws to the outside. Catches are scored as follows: 1pt for catch in inner circle; 2pts for catch made in outer circle; 3pts for catch made on outside of bullseye circle. Handler may use 2 discs. Timed event > 1 minute

*Bullseye is a Skyhoundz Disc Dog-a-thon game

Monkey In The Middle: in this game about accuracy in throwing. There are 2 throwers and one dog. Throwers are situated in a throwing box across from eachother and dog is free to move about the field. Throwers are not allowed to leave the throwing box at any time. Thrower A tosses to Thrower B. If Thrower B catches the disc, Thrower A receives 3pts. If the throw is not accurate and the dog catches it ...... 1pt goes to Thrower B. Then Thrower B tosses to Thrower A. Timed event > 90 seconds. Thrower with highest number of points wins.

Team Toss/Fetch: two handlers/one dog. Throwers take turns throwing to dog. Timed event > 1 minute to gain as many points as possible. Same point system as regular toss/fetch

Time Trial*: dog/handler team to get two catches past the 20yd mark in the quickest time wins

*Time Trial is a Skyhoundz disc game

The 100 Yard Dash! this is a toss/fetch game in which the object is to have your throws/catches add up to 100yds in the fastest time. Dog/handler to reach 100yds (accumulated scores from individual toss/catches) in the quickest time .... wins.

The 100 Yard Dash > Doubles* same as the 100 yard dash but with 2 handlers taking turns throwing (like a team toss/fetch on the goal is to achieve an accumulated score of 100yds)

*inspired by Adrian Custer SOFK9s

Shoot For The Hoop: in this game the object is to throw the disc through a hoop. If the disc goes through the hoop and the dog catches it, 4pts will be awarded. 1pt will be awarded if the disc goes through the hoop but there is no catch OR if the disc does not go through the hoop and there is a catch. Handlers must throw from behind a throwing line > distance from throwing line to hoop may be determined by contest host. Each handler will be given 3 throws

Solar System Spot Landing: this is a target or spot landing game. Throwers must throw from Earth to each of the planets in the solar system ending with the Sun for a Super Nova throw. Points are awarded for the dog landing on each planet with each planet being worth a different number of points. The further the planet is from Earth the higher the points. The Super Nova throw is the last throw & earns the highest points. Catches made outside the catch zone will be awarded one point for effort.

The Furlong details to follow

The Canadian Disc Dog Derby go to for full details

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